Os bombeiros Mikey e Beau dividem a cama para uma punhetinha enquanto assistem um pornô na tv, mas os sacanas desistem de só ficarem só no voyer e partem para uma sacanagem a dois. Foda com pegada de macho, o ativão peludinho é dedicado nas socadas e ainda lança um belo jato de porra no companheiro.
Firemen Mikey and Beau were on top of each other in this scene. These men have never seen each other at all before but as soon as they met, there was an intense attraction that left both of their mouths watering and cocks hungry. It didn’t take long at all for Beau to whip out his huge cock and stroke it but as soon as Mikey whipped out his, our power bottom couldn’t wait to wrap his juicy lips over that sweet dick.
Firefighter Mikey e Fireman Beau
- Postado em: 01/05/2013
- Views: 11.146 views