Sob o sol forte da Árabia, um pequeno rio divide a distância entre Eliad e Damien em ‘Haleeb (Milk)’. Vestidos com trajes tipicamentes árabes, Eliad com sua túnica branca revela um deslumbrante pau meia-bomba pronto para ser devorado sob o pano molhado. Damien então puxa seu manto e exibe seu caralhão pulsante. A trepada ocorre a céu aberto em meio a vegetação seca, finalizando com muita porra na cara.
Gay Fucks: Eliad & Damien Crosse
Haleeb (Milk) is an Arab-themed sex flick which is without a doubt one of the finest works of sex art. The feature begins with Eli.ad An.as.tos and Da.mi.en Cro.ss.e in traditional Arab robes eyeing each other from opposite sides of a tiny river. Eliad washes his face and the water courses down his white robe outlining that big fat semi-erect cock of his under the wet cloth. Damien then pulls up his own robe and starts jerking his thick piece. What follows is a beautiful versatile suck sequence framed by dried up vegetation and mountains and utterly perfect blue skies. During the feast curious horses come from the background into the action as they watch in awe. This masterpiece of porn is only surpassed by what follows; the splattering of white milk all over the screen as Damien rims, fingers, and fucks the hell out of Eliad. Haleeb finishes with two lucious cum facials.

==> Haleeb | E.l.i.a.d A.n.a.s.t.o.s & D.a.m.i.e.n C.r.o.s.s.e <==
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- Postado em: 21/08/2011
- Views: 4.513 views
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